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Download Seeker for Windows


Detailed File Listing and Replacement Feature of Registry Cleaners


Seeker is a Windows based registry cleaner which can be used to scan and clean up your windows registry. Seeker has a powerful full-featured registry tool on top of a solid file search algorithm. Searching for common files like music or in files Seeker will deal with it. Seeker not only scans for common files inside your registry, it also allows you to replace regular text within your files. This feature is a great one that many people do not know about, but it is a great feature that allows you to customize the way how you want your files to look inside your computer.

Another important feature of Seeker is the detailed file list reporting modes. If you are looking for detailed file list reports from your scans, you can easily switch between different modes, such as the standard, custom, or full report mode from there. In the standard and custom modes, Seeker will search in the system folders, shared folders, and locations where files were last opened. In the full report mode, you can get a detailed file list that includes detailed account of each file found, their time, account duration, and account type (exchange, offline, or attached).

The scanning process of Seeker is quite fast, which can save you a lot of time compared to other registry cleaners. It is able to run scans on a full hour on one occasion, saving you and your PC countless hours of time. There are several different ways to get your Windows operating system to a fresh state and one way is using the software named Seeker. Another way is with the detailed file list and replacement feature of the software named Seeker.


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