Google Desktop – A Quick Look
Google Desktop is a web search application with desktop search abilities, designed by Google for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux systems. If you use a Windows computer, you will need to download Google Desktop from their website. If you use a Macintosh computer, you will need to visit the Apple website to download Google Desktop. Although Google Desktop is a free application, it does have certain limitations. Google Desktop is best used on a Windows machine because of the many compatibility issues between the two operating systems.
Google Desktop works much like the web browser Google Chrome. You can search the web browser and add Google favorites such as your home page, latest blog entry, or the time of your meeting. To access all of your favorites, you can use the “favorites” option found in the upper right corner of the screen. To access your quick find tool, click the square “search by tags” icon found in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Google Desktop is easy to use and comes with many useful features, including Google Talk.
Google launched its desktop search capabilities as part of its Google Beta application. The beta version of Google Desktop allows you to perform searching within a local area or across the world. Google has not finalized the final version of Google Beta and is still testing the application. This means that while Google Desktop does provide a search engine like feature, it is not as comprehensive as the final version of Google Search.