What Can eDonkey2000 Do For You?
eDonkey2000 is a service that allows you to download music and movies from websites such as Napster, Rhapsody, and iTunes. It has been designed to work exactly like these other services, yet it also has its own unique features that set it apart. eDonkey2000 blends the strengths of both Gnutella and Rhapsody while still avoiding their many problems. It does not rely on a centralized server for processing, but instead searches through a cache of servers located locally to make your request fast. If your internet connection is slow, this is the perfect way to get high quality downloads without the problems they usually bring.
In addition to the reliability and speed, eDonkey2000 has another feature which sets it apart from other similar services: the ability to allow multiple accounts on one server. With other systems, each account is supposed to be used for a single service (such as downloading music) but eDonkey2000 allows you to run several eDonkey2000 accounts on one server, so that you can keep multiple copies of your files under different names. For example, if you use your laptop for work and want to download some music, you could have a music account on your laptop, an eDonkey2000 account on your home computer, and a separate Donkey2000 account on another computer for your audio files. You will never have to worry about missing a song or trying to find a new artist because you cannot find their music on another computer!
Although there are several different servers that you can connect to using eDonkey2000, the most popular and powerful server network is the eDonkey VIP network. This is because there are so many people interested in downloading music, movies, and other files that it would take a lot of servers to handle the load. There are about 30 computers on the eDonkeyVIP network and they constantly download and update all the files, making it possible to stream everything from live soccer games to adult videos. This is also a great way to make extra money on the Internet if you know the legal boundaries to the place you are sharing your files. With eDonkey2000, there are absolutely no boundaries.